Wednesday 9 April 2014

Hi, Hello, Welcome!

Well, here I am - writing my very own baking blog. When growing up, you are continuously asked what your hobbies and interests are.. I never knew how to answer this question and would often dread it being asked. To this day it still sends shivers down my spine, BUT finally I have found my love and passion - baking and caking. I am a self confessed sweet addict, well, food addict - I am completely head over heels with all things food. However I'm not a huge savoury cook because for me it is quite challenging - it just isn't my passion. That is when I turned to baking. 90% of my days are spent imagining and dreaming up flavour and colour combinations for my next bake - which I keep to the weekends. I eat clean and exercise throughout the week (& dream about cake and cookies) and when it comes to Friday night, I am away - creating and baking, and most importantly: Eating. If I didnt limit myself to weekends there would be no stopping me. Saying that, I think I need the thinking time during the week to go through every step and process and analyse it, so that, hopefully I have my sweet heaven at the weekend.

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